Ashley Jordan, Samy Akil, Karam Shaar *This policy summary is published in collaboration with the Middle East Institute The past year has seen a trend toward normalization with the Assad regime, accompanied with a push by some nations to force or coerce displaced...
سامي عقيل, كرم شعار * موجز السياسات هذا نشر أيضاً من قبل المجلس الأطلنطي. في الرابعِ والعشرين من تشرين الثاني (نوفمبر) من العام الفائـت، كشفَ مكـتبُ مراقـبة الأصول الأجنـبية التابـعُ لوزارة الخزانة الأمريكية (OFAC) عن قَرارٍ يَـنصُّ على تَوسِعَةِ الاستِـثـناءات...
Nicholas Lyall, Karam Shaar The pace of military action in Syria has plateaued. With the assumption of a frozen conflict comes the attendant assumption that humanitarian conditions are also likely to be stable. This could not be further from the truth. While the level...
William Christou Al-Rukban refugee camp is all but forgotten to the world, sequestered in the dusty no-man’s land on the edge of the Syrian side of the Syrian-Jordanian border. The camp was initially formed in 2014 as Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) fled violence...